Welcome To The Bhu Fit Tribe

Our founder, Laura, talks of Bhu's commitment to your health and a healthy environment.

Come home to Bhu - take the time because you are worth the time.

From the get go, I knew that if I was going to start a new business that it had to be of a different order. It could not simply be “business as business has always been done.” It had to represent a paradigm shift away from the “profit at all costs” model in which:

  • People were viewed as incidental inputs to production,

  • The cheapest ingredients produced the most profitable products, regardless of whether they were healthful for people,

  • The most cost efficient production and packaging process was employed regardless of its environmental impact.

Early on, folks advised me that if I wanted to make protein bars profitably, the ingredient cost had to be under $.25 per bar. I couldn’t put sawdust in a package for that price! No way was this going to happen, not at my company! I would rather not start the business at all than to produce inferior, unhealthy product.

Act now and get a 12 pack of Bhu Fit Vanilla bars for only $29.99

In my meditation practice, I was being shown the interconnectedness and sameness of all people.  If everyone was my very own self, how could I bring something into the world unless it was beneficial for all people involved and supported the health of the planet?

Hence, this new business had to follow spiritual principals by valuing and supporting people by putting their well being before profit. It had to be sustainable and not damage the environment, no matter the extra cost.  Finally, it had to be done with love and with the intention of elevating consciousness and anchoring light on the planet.

Since that time, to my delight, people have actually come back and said, “Laura when I bit into one of your bars, I could actually taste the love.” This had been my fondest wish and prayer.  The entire team here at Bhu shares this mission of doing good for people and the planet and making a positive difference in the world.

Do you Bhu?