Take Our 20 Question Keto Quiz and Test Your Knowledge

Take Our 20 Question Keto Quiz and Test Your Knowledge

Confident in your knowledge of the keto lifestyle? Have you shared your keto knowledge with family and friends? If you are able to ace our keto quiz, then you just might be on your way to becoming a keto master. Test your knowledge of this remarkable dietary lifestyle and see how well you know the terms, foods, and rules of the diet.

The Keto Craze - Why is it so Popular?

While many diets come and go, evidence suggests that the keto diet is here to stay for the long haul. That’s because it actually works - before and after photos of people who’ve lost 100’s of pounds on keto are easy to find, and each is a testament to the weight loss power of the keto diet. From passionate podcasters to fitness gurus, many of the most respected and influential people in our society can’t stop raving about their experiences on keto.

Why Be Knowledgeable about Keto?

Whether you’re experienced on keto or you’ve never tried it, no one can deny that it’s more complex than many other diets. Rather than striving for a simple calorie deficit as with most diet plans, the ketogenic diet has you completely reprogramming the way the body burns fuel for energy. The more you know the details of the keto diet, the better you’ll be able to use it to achieve your fitness goals, and potentially the goals of the people in your life as well.

The Keto Quiz

Our keto quiz is divided into three categories that are vital to the ketogenic diet: keto terms, food questions, and keto science. After taking the quiz in its entirety, feel free to look below for explanations for every question and response. Good luck!

Part 1: Keto Terms

For questions 1-10, describe how each word relates to the keto diet.

  1. Glucose

  2. Ketones

  3. Ketosis

  4. Macros

  5. Keto-Adapted

  6. LCHF Diet

  7. Fat Bombs

  8. Keto Strips

  9. Keto Flu

  10. Insulin



Part 2: Keto Foods

In questions 11-18, explain why each food is or isn’t allowed on the keto diet.

  1.  Avocados

  2. Baked Beans

  3. Swiss Cheese

  4. Cheesecake

  5. Strawberries

  6. Bananas

  7. Heavy Cream

  8. Sweet Potatoes

Part 3: Keto Science

For questions 19 and 20, explain what’s happening in each scenario.

  1. After seeing your own results, a friend of yours decided to try keto. On their first  

          weekend, their keto flu became so severe that they almost quit. What 3 things do they most

          likely need to help them feel better?

  1. Dr. Dominic D’Agostino has conducted research that suggests cancer cannot survive

          if you’re on the ketogenic diet - What is the main reason for this?

Correct Answers to the Keto Quiz

Congrats for testing your keto knowledge by taking our quiz - now see if you’re knowledge is that of a keto coach or a casual keto follower.

Responses to Part 1: Keto Terminology

  1. Glucose

Whenever you eat carbs of any kind, they break down into glucose inside your body. As

the easiest type of fuel to burn, glucose is the most common fuel that is burned as energy. On the keto diet, you drastically decrease your intake of glucose, so ketones are utilized as your body’s new primary energy source.

  1. Ketones

When your body detects a deficit of glucose, your liver starts producing ketones to burn for energy instead. The goal of the ketogenic diet is to deprive your body of carbs so it produces and burns ketones on a regular basis.

  1. Ketosis

If you’ve gone for a few days intaking less than 20-50 grams of carbohydrates, then you enter a state of ketosis. Put simply, ketosis is the state you’re in when your body burns ketones rather than glucose. Entering and sustaining ketosis is the core goal of the keto diet.

  1. Macros

Not limited to the keto community, macros is short for macronutrients, which are the three main types of food your body must ingest to remain healthy. The three macros are fats, protein, and carbohydrates, and the ketogenic diet encourages a high intake of fats, a moderate amount of protein, and extremely low levels of carbohydrates.

  1. Keto-Adapted

A person is keto-adapted when their metabolism and entire body have completely adapted to burning ketones rather than glucose. A more expansive state than just entering ketosis, it typically takes two to four weeks to become completely keto-adapted.

  1. LCHF Diet

LCHF is a common acronym meaning Low Carb, High Fat, which sums up the macro balance on the keto diet. To those not knowledgeable on modern nutrition, a LCHF diet may seem detrimental, but anyone who’s followed keto or paleo knows that it’s carbs that cause obesity, not actual fats.

  1. Fat Bombs

One of the recurring challenges a lot of people have on the keto diet is getting enough fat to make up for the carbs they aren’t eating anymore. Fat bombs is a name given to a variety of homemade keto snacks that feature high amounts of fat in a single pastry-like snack. Check out these examples to make some fat bombs of your own.

  1. Keto Strips

Keto strips are a valuable tool for anyone who follows the ketogenic diet. By urinating on a keto strip, it will tell you how keto-adapted you are, often on a sliding scale depending what color the strip turns. While many people stick to keto without keto strips, they serve as a phenomenal tool for beginners and those who want to ensure that they’re staying in ketosis.

  1. Keto Flu

When first entering ketosis, it’s common for people to experience a condition known as keto flu. As the name implies, this condition is characterized by nausea, fatigue, and other flu-like symptoms. As you’ll see in the answer to question #19, keto flu is often just a matter of being deficient in three vital nutrients.

  1. Insulin

Insulin serves a lot of purposes in our bodies, but in the keto world, insulin is a hormone that metabolizes carbohydrates. Since we try to minimize carb intake on keto, insulin is an enemy of ketosis, especially because it inhibits the production of ketones.

Responses to Part 2: Keto Foods

  1. Avocados

Yes! High in fat, protein, and other nutrients, avocados are one of the staples on the keto diet.

  1. Baked Beans

No. Beans are high in carbohydrates and could easily kick you out of ketosis.

  1. Swiss Cheese

Yes! While there are strict versions of the keto diet that frown on cheese because of the inflammation it can cause, the vast majority of keto advocates consider cheese to be a keto staple due to its high fat content and low carbohydrates.

  1. Cheesecake

No! Unless it’s a special, sugar-free recipe, the sugar in the filling and the high-carb crust involved in a standard cheesecake make this dessert unfit for the keto diet.

  1. Strawberries

No. While many fruits are healthy on a standard diet, their fructose makes them unsuitable for keto.

  1. Bananas

No. As one of the most high-carbohydrate fruits in the world, bananas are one of the worst things you could eat while following the keto diet.

  1. Heavy Cream

Yes! Don’t let the name fool you. Heavy cream is rich in fats that are valuable for anyone who’s on the keto diet.

  1. Sweet Potatoes

No. Although sweet potatoes are considered a superfood for various reasons, their starchy composition and high carb count get them banned from the ketogenic diet.

Responses to Part 3: Keto Science

  1. Question: After seeing your own results, a friend of yours decided to try keto. On their first weekend, their keto flu became so severe that they almost quit. What 3 things do they most likely need to consume to help them feel better?

Answer: When you enter ketosis, it causes frequent urination to occur as your body adjusts to the changes. This frequent urination expels certain nutrients, often leading to a deficit. The three things to consume to help get over your keto flu are salt, water, and extra fats.

  1. Question: Dr. Dominic D’Agostino has conducted research that suggests that cancer cannot survive if you’re on the ketogenic diet - What is the main reason for this?

Answer: Dr. D'Agostino has demonstrated that the keto diet may be effective for fighting and preventing cancer. The main reason for this is that while the cells in our bodies can survive the change of becoming keto adapted, cancer cells cannot. Deprived of the glucose they need to thrive, cancer cells starve and die when your body is producing and burning ketones for fuel.

Are You a Keto Expert or a Keto Beginner?

Learning more about the ketogenic diet gives us the tools to use it to its fullest potential, helping us burn fat and achieve our fitness goals like never before. No matter where your knowledge level is on the ketogenic diet, there’s always more to learn and more ways to make your training and dieting more effective. Wherever you are on your ketogenic journey, we wish you luck in using keto principles to achieve success and attain the body you’ve always wanted.