Lighten Up With Bhu Fit Bars
If you are looking for ways to eat healthy, non-sugary snacks, and get a little lighter in body, mind, and spirit; we’re here for you. Bhu Fit bars were developed just for that reason. Will you be able to float like a butterfly - probably not. Hopefully you won’t need to sting like a bee. But you might get as strong as a boxer with our whole food ingredients that come from the earth, a super strong spaceship carrying us through the universe. They are made with purpose and love everyday, which can definitely power a calm mind. And they come in snack form, one of the lightest meals there is, so that you can whip it out of your bag whenever you need a healthy quick fix :)
“From a fat-loss perspective, displacing carbohydrates by increasing fat in your diet sets the stage for an optimal fat-loss environment.” (How Eating More Fats Helps You Lose More Weight).
Let’s look at what goes into a Bhu Fit bar and how we can help you lighten up:
- USDA Organic Ingredients → Little to no toxins, higher in vitamins & minerals, respects Mother Nature & our future health.
- Non-GMO Project Verified → No doubt it is safe for human consumption, no toxins, not run by corporate greed, & doesn’t contribute to weight gain.
- Grain Free, Gluten Free, Soy Free → No allergies / dietary problems!
- No Artificial Ingredients → No Fillers! Just All-Natural Doubt-Free Goodness.
Organic Pea Protein, Egg White Protein, Grass-Fed Whey Protein → So Good for Vegan & Paleo alike! Let’s be Friends!
- Averaging 13 grams of protein per bar! Helps you feel Full & Fuels your day! Weightlifters Watch Out!
Sweetened with Monk Fruit, No Cane Sugar, No Alcohol Sugars → Zero Calories from the Sweetener, Zero on the Glycemic Index, Zero Weight-Gain & Health Hazards.
- 1g of Sugar per bar - It’s a new record folks!
Three major ingredients to lighten your body:
- Super Low Sugar - no weight gain here!
- High in Protein - Makes you feel fuller & efficiently gives you energy for longer time periods than carbs.
- High in Fat - Seems counter-intuitive but eating more fat contributes to weight loss!
“From a fat-loss perspective, displacing carbohydrates by increasing fat in your diet sets the stage for an optimal fat-loss environment.” (How Eating More Fats Helps You Lose More Weight).
Three major reasons to bring light to your mind:
- You are eating healthy!
- You are Loved!
- You are caring for the earth!
By creating a healthy body and mind you are intrinsically creating a more soulful, present, and light-filled consciousness. We anchor the light in each bite and bring that to you through Bhu :)
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Category:GMO Free